There is NO difference between a Mini Retriever and a Mini Golden Retriever. They are the same
thing. People just use both names.
!!! Do send us your introduction as asked for on our purchasing process page
if you want to receive any additional information from us. THANK YOU !!!
Sale Prices are for as PETS only - not sold with breeding rights
at those prices.
1. Irma x Teeny Tony
SALE $2,000 - now only $1,400 Male smaller was $2,500: https://youtu.be/KigfUUOkHP0
"Dustie" Do-Ba x Teeny Tony Pick of the litter. "Dustie" was
$3,500 On sale for $2,500 SALE now only $2,000
She is only 21 lbs. at 7 months of age. All 4 puppy vaccinations and rabies have been completed and she
has had a rabies vaccination. https://youtu.be/ic8r_TnWvmQ NO - NOT TRAINED AT ALL. If you want training done, consider a board and train business. .
We had Zero pups born here in April, May, June and July.
Next litter due early to mid September ? We have had one other matings recently so another possible litter due
the middle of October if a pregnancy develops. We do not give out any more information than that. Just keep an
eye on the website for birth announcements.
WE HAVE ADULT AND PUPPIES AVAILABLE with their breeding rights. Just Ask.
All dogs over 7 months of age have had OFA hip "passing" hip scores. This is an amazing and rare opportunity for
existing or new breeders to acquire our unique Miniature Golden Retriever "lines" that no one else in the country
Find us on Facebook at "Regal Kennel"
are subject to change without notice.
All monies paid to seller/breeder are NON-REFUNDABLE unless dictated by MN State